Curriculum Vitae                   February 8, 2012


David Michael Hogan J.P.,Cert Ed., M.I.E.E.E.

Independent consultant in Information Technology, specialising in Computer Forensics & Data Recovery, Computer Networking, Internetworking, Networking & Computer Security, Website development and Videoconferencing

eMail David


Relevant experience:






My work on "Video Networking for Language Study" was recognised by the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, USA. In spring 2000 I was made a Laureate of the Institute, the only representative from an academic Institution in the UK to be recognised for work in IT in 2000. (In 1999 this honour went to Cambridge University.)

Previous employment:


Qualifications: In addition to the above certifications

Certificate in Education for Further and Higher Education (Cert.Ed (FE))
Laureate of The Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC, USA

National Certificate in Agriculture

Associate of the British Computer Society
Member of The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

Personal Statement

My career began in agricultural technology where I soon came to recognise the impact the electronic revolution would make on that industry.  I cultivated a childhood enthusiasm for amateur radio and electronics and quickly found many opportunities in agricultural technology for these emerging sciences.  This is no better exemplified than in the application of the externally energised transponder to animal identification, developed from the principles of the military IFF system (Interrogate Friend or Foe).  I was involved in the embryonic research and development of this particular application of the technology in the early eighties and am gratified to see that it is now universally adopted by governments to track animal movements following BSE.

The diversity offered by the second phase of my career in education has been particularly rewarding. The combination of research, teaching and training with a "hands on" role in technical development and system planning has suited my interests and ability perfectly. Devising and delivering courses from this sound practical base proved a successful combination.  Having identified a particular strength in, and enjoyment of, computer networks, distributed systems and forensics, I now concentrate more or less exclusively on these aspects of computer science.

In addition to my career in IT I worked in Indonesia for two years in an agricultural advisory role on a project sponsored by the World Bank. I am also currently engaged in a fascinating project, coordinated by my wife Pamela Vass M.A., researching and reconstructing, a unique ternary calculating machine invented by Thomas Fowler, a contemporary of Charles Babbage. Also currently, I develop and maintain a community web site, sing in my villages only boy band and make around 70 gallons of cider a year from local apples.

Other interests include travel and in addition to a number of overseas trips on behalf my college, I also enjoy holidays visiting my family in California and Greece. In 1970 I spent a year at the Selly Oak Theology Colleges and since then I have continued to maintain a broad and active interest in the topic. I was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1998 and am a published member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,.  I cannot claim any serious sporting pursuits but do enjoy walking, cycling and onshore fishing on the North Devon coastline. Together with my wife Pamela I enjoy music and drama when the opportunities arise. My three children are grown and have left home.